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TrojanBarbie events



Friday 21 March

  7.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing

Saturday 22 March

  7.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing

Sunday 23 March

  2.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing

Tuesday 25 March

  7.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing

Wednesday 26 March

  7.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing

Thursday 27 March

  7.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing

Friday 28 March

  7.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing

Saturday 29 March

  7.30pm  Trojan Barbie
  Plastic perfection of modern life disappears
  Theatre  TrojanBarbie  Ealing