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Things to do and see & hear

Local / London travel Daily & Weekend (7-8 December)

Thought / Tweet of the day

With all this rain we need an ark. Fear not! We Noah guy

Selected events for Friday 6 December

Complete list of things to do


  8-11pm  Steve & Julie Wigley
  Watford Folk Club
  7pm  Jack and the Beanstalk
  Panto for all the family
  7.30pm  Jack and the Beanstalk
  A magical, laughter-filled family pantomime
  8pm  Cinderella in Space
  An original interplanetary pantomime

parkrun every Saturday in Southall

Police warning & crime prevention advice

If someone comes knocking on your door claiming to be Police, Gas, Water board -- check their ID, keep door on the chain
If in doubt, keep them out!

Any concerns or worries, phone 101 or contact the police

Local & London travel information

TFL: Transport For London
DLR: Docklands Light Railway