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Children and Family events



Saturday 29 March

  7.45pm  My Fair Lady
  Ultimate tale of rags to riches
  Theatre  Music  Family  MyFairLady  Ealing

Sunday 30 March

  9am  Junior parkrun in Northala Fields
  2K run -- 4-14 year olds
  Running  Free  Sport  Children  parkrun  Northolt
  2.30pm  My Fair Lady
  Ultimate tale of rags to riches
  Theatre  Music  Family  MyFairLady  Ealing

Tuesday 1 April

  7.45pm  My Fair Lady
  Ultimate tale of rags to riches
  Theatre  Music  Family  MyFairLady  Ealing

Wednesday 2 April

  7.45pm  My Fair Lady
  Ultimate tale of rags to riches
  Theatre  Music  Family  MyFairLady  Ealing

Thursday 3 April

  7.45pm  My Fair Lady
  Ultimate tale of rags to riches
  Theatre  Music  Family  MyFairLady  Ealing

Friday 4 April

  7.45pm  My Fair Lady
  Ultimate tale of rags to riches
  Theatre  Music  Family  MyFairLady  Ealing

Saturday 5 April

  1pm  The Magic Bookmark
  Discover the magic of books
  Theatre  Music  Family  TheMagicBookmark  Ealing
  4pm  The Magic Bookmark
  Discover the magic of books
  Theatre  Music  Family  TheMagicBookmark  Ealing
  7.45pm  My Fair Lady
  Ultimate tale of rags to riches
  Theatre  Music  Family  MyFairLady  Ealing

Sunday 6 April

  9am  Junior parkrun in Northala Fields
  2K run -- 4-14 year olds
  Running  Free  Sport  Children  parkrun  Northolt

Monday 7 April

  7.30pm  When the Curtain Rises
  Songs from musicals and operettas
  Theatre  Music  Family  WhenCurtainRises  Ealing

Tuesday 8 April

  7.30pm  When the Curtain Rises
  Songs from musicals and operettas
  Theatre  Music  Family  WhenCurtainRises  Ealing

Sunday 13 April

  9am  Junior parkrun in Northala Fields
  2K run -- 4-14 year olds
  Running  Free  Sport  Children  parkrun  Northolt

Sunday 20 April

  9am  Junior parkrun in Northala Fields
  2K run -- 4-14 year olds
  Running  Free  Sport  Children  parkrun  Northolt

Sunday 27 April

  9am  Junior parkrun in Northala Fields
  2K run -- 4-14 year olds
  Running  Free  Sport  Children  parkrun  Northolt