Comedy events
Monday 31 March
2-4pm Hayes FM -- What's On in Hayes area
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Tuesday 1 April
1-3pm Hayes FM -- Gowan’s Variety Show: Music, Fun & Games
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Monday 7 April
2-4pm Hayes FM -- What's On in Hayes area
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Tuesday 8 April
1-3pm Hayes FM -- Gowan’s Variety Show: Music, Fun & Games
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Wednesday 9 April
7.45pm Anything Goes
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Thursday 10 April
7.30-9.30pm The Questors Variety Show 2025
Annual variety showcase
Theatre Music Comedy QuestorsVarietyShow Ealing
Annual variety showcase
Theatre Music Comedy QuestorsVarietyShow Ealing
7.45pm Anything Goes
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Friday 11 April
7.30-9.30pm The Questors Variety Show 2025
Annual variety showcase
Theatre Music Comedy QuestorsVarietyShow Ealing
Annual variety showcase
Theatre Music Comedy QuestorsVarietyShow Ealing
7.45pm Anything Goes
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Saturday 12 April
2.30pm Anything Goes
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
7.45pm Anything Goes
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Hilarious tale of love, mischief, and toe-tapping tunes
Theatre Music Comedy AnythingGoes Ealing
Monday 14 April
2-4pm Hayes FM -- What's On in Hayes area
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Tuesday 15 April
1-3pm Hayes FM -- Gowan’s Variety Show: Music, Fun & Games
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Monday 21 April
2-4pm Hayes FM -- What's On in Hayes area
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM