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  When: Friday 27 September: 7.45-9.45pm
  How often: 24-28 September
  Cost: £15-£22, online booking fee
  Tickets: Booking options

Teddington Theatre Club (TTC) presents Hangmen, by Martin McDonagh

Tuesday-Friday 7.45pm
Saturday 6pm

Where: Hampton Hill Theatre (Auditorium), 90 High Street
Hampton Hill, Middlesex TW12 1NZ

A sly throat-gripping thriller
In his small pub in Oldham, Harry is something of a local celebrity.

But what’s the second-best hangman in England to do on the day they abolish hanging?

Amongst the cub reporters and sycophantic pub regulars dying to hear Harry’s reaction to the news, a peculiar stranger lurks, with a very different motive for his visit


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