Events / Things to do
Monday 30 December
2-4pm Hayes FM -- What's On in Hayes area
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
7pm Jack and the Beanstalk
Panto for all the family
Theatre Panto Family Christmas JackBeanstalk_Ealing Ealing
Panto for all the family
Theatre Panto Family Christmas JackBeanstalk_Ealing Ealing
7.30pm The Mystery of Fellstone Manor
Fall under the spell of Fellstone Manor
Theatre Christmas MysteryFellstoneManor Ealing
Fall under the spell of Fellstone Manor
Theatre Christmas MysteryFellstoneManor Ealing
7.45pm Come-all-Ye Open Singaraound
Herga at The Castle: Folk and Acoustic Club
Music Folk HergaFolkHarrow Harrow
Herga at The Castle: Folk and Acoustic Club
Music Folk HergaFolkHarrow Harrow
Tuesday 31 December
1-3pm Hayes FM -- Gowan’s Variety Show: Music, Fun & Games
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
3pm Jack and the Beanstalk
Panto for all the family
Theatre Panto Family Christmas JackBeanstalk_Ealing Ealing
Panto for all the family
Theatre Panto Family Christmas JackBeanstalk_Ealing Ealing
Wednesday 1 January
Thursday 2 January
2pm Finn Mannion (cello), Ke Ma (piano)
Beethoven, Schumann, Franck
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Perivale
Beethoven, Schumann, Franck
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Perivale
Friday 3 January
Saturday 4 January
Sunday 5 January
9am Junior parkrun in Northala Fields
2K run -- 4-14 year olds
Running Free Sport Children parkrun Northolt
2K run -- 4-14 year olds
Running Free Sport Children parkrun Northolt
11am-1pm Folk and Modern Jazz with Peter Slavid
Hayes FM: New music with smattering of classics
Radio Free Music Folk Jazz HayesFM
Hayes FM: New music with smattering of classics
Radio Free Music Folk Jazz HayesFM
Monday 6 January
2-4pm Hayes FM -- What's On in Hayes area
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
7.45pm Come-all-Ye Open Singaraound
Herga at The Castle: Folk and Acoustic Club
Music Folk HergaFolkHarrow Harrow
Herga at The Castle: Folk and Acoustic Club
Music Folk HergaFolkHarrow Harrow
Tuesday 7 January
1-3pm Hayes FM -- Gowan’s Variety Show: Music, Fun & Games
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
2pm Neo Hung (piano)
Shostakovich, Clementi, Liszt, Schubert, Scriabin
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Perivale
Shostakovich, Clementi, Liszt, Schubert, Scriabin
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Perivale
Wednesday 8 January
Thursday 9 January
7.30pm Space Wars
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
Friday 10 January
7.30pm Space Wars
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
7.30pm Frankie The Concert
Story behind Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Theatre Music FrankieTheConcert Ealing
Story behind Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Theatre Music FrankieTheConcert Ealing
Saturday 11 January
2pm Space Wars
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
3pm The Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
7.30pm Space Wars
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
It’s Panto season again ... oh no it’s not! ... oh yes it is!
Theatre Panto Children SpaceWars Greenford
7.30pm Frankie The Concert
Story behind Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Theatre Music FrankieTheConcert Ealing
Story behind Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Theatre Music FrankieTheConcert Ealing
Sunday 12 January
9am Junior parkrun in Northala Fields
2K run -- 4-14 year olds
Running Free Sport Children parkrun Northolt
2K run -- 4-14 year olds
Running Free Sport Children parkrun Northolt
11am-1pm Folk and Modern Jazz with Peter Slavid
Hayes FM: New music with smattering of classics
Radio Free Music Folk Jazz HayesFM
Hayes FM: New music with smattering of classics
Radio Free Music Folk Jazz HayesFM
3pm The Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
3pm The Bridge Quartet with Christopher Kent (narrator)
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Talk Perivale
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Talk Perivale
Monday 13 January
2-4pm Hayes FM -- What's On in Hayes area
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Things to do in West London, plus eclectic music
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Tuesday 14 January
1-3pm Hayes FM -- Gowan’s Variety Show: Music, Fun & Games
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Pop, folk, rock, comedy, light-hearted puzzles & more
Radio Music Community Comedy HayesFM
Wednesday 15 January
10am Through the Elements
Interactive children's shows for ages 0-5
Theatre Music Children ThroughTheElements Ealing
Interactive children's shows for ages 0-5
Theatre Music Children ThroughTheElements Ealing
Thursday 16 January
2pm Liubov Ulybysheva (cello), James Kreiling (piano)
Beethoven, Bridge, Myaskovsky
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Perivale
Beethoven, Bridge, Myaskovsky
Music Classical StMarysPerivale Perivale
7.30pm Sleeping Beauty
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
7.30pm The Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
Friday 17 January
1.10-2pm Flauguissimo Ensemble
Brunel University London: Lunchtime concert
Music Classical Free Brunel Uxbridge
Brunel University London: Lunchtime concert
Music Classical Free Brunel Uxbridge
7.30pm The Anniversary
Raise a glass with the monster matriarch from hell
Theatre Comedy TheAnniversary Ealing
Raise a glass with the monster matriarch from hell
Theatre Comedy TheAnniversary Ealing
7.30pm Sleeping Beauty
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
7.30pm The Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
Saturday 18 January
2pm Sleeping Beauty
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
3pm The Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
6.30pm Sleeping Beauty
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
Another rip-roaring and hilarious pantomime
Theatre Panto Children Family SleepingBeauty Ruislip
7.30pm The Anniversary
Raise a glass with the monster matriarch from hell
Theatre Comedy TheAnniversary Ealing
Raise a glass with the monster matriarch from hell
Theatre Comedy TheAnniversary Ealing
7.30pm The Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills
An epic journey through traditional tales
Theatre Panto Children WomanWhoLivedShoe Northwood Hills