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Manus Noble

  When: Friday 24 January: 1.10-2pm
  Cost: Free
  Tickets: Booking options

Brunel University London: Lunchtime concert

Free admission -- everyone welcome

If you are unable to book online, you are welcome to try your luck as a walk-in on the day, although seating will be limited

Where: Beldam Restaurant, Eastern Gateway Building, Brunel University London, Kingston Lane
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PN

Manus Noble: guitar, Irish bouzouki, handpan, shruti box, voice

Manus Noble is one of the UK’s leading classical guitarists and is known for his unique sound and varied programmes.

‘A Bard’s Tale’ takes the audience on a journey through time and around the world, with music interspersed with readings of real letters that lend an emotional context to the music


Watch concert online (live stream)