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Terence Blacker / The Larks

  When: Thursday 27 March: 8-11pm
  Cost: £15, £12.50 members; online booking fee
  Tickets: Buy tickets online

Door time: 7.30pm, Start time: 8pm

Uxbridge Folk Club meets once a month

Where: Uxbridge Royal Naval Association, 388a Long Lane
Hillingdon, Middlesex UB10 9PG

Terence Blacker
Terence: The big, wide world may be full of woe but, in my little musical world there is much to look forward to.

In the Spring, I’ll be releasing a new album called Misfits’ Jubilee.

Listening to it now, I’ve been surprised to find that it has a distinctly optimistic vibe, while not skipping over some of life’s grimmer moments.

There’s a death song, a having-a-row-with-your-partner song, a jolly little number about people’s annoying habits, and one simply called ‘The Crying Game’.

The Larks
Liz Miller and Chris Wilbraham are based near Bury St Edmunds.

They use guitar and mandolin to complement their voices, as they call on a wide range of influences and experiences to entertain their audiences.

Expect their original songs to feature mermaids, nightingales and vampires!


Further information

Terence Blacker

The Larks -- Field