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Telegram Sam

  When: Friday 20 September: 9pm
  Cost: £13 in advance / £15 on the door
  Tickets: Book tickets

Marc Bolan and T-Rex tribute band

Where: Tropic at Ruislip, Ruislip Social Club, Grosvenor Vale
Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 6JQ

Telegram Sam
Telegram Sam is a band with a rich history of musicianship. The band’s experience spans many years and many bands, most recently with us all together, celebrating T Rex music, for a number of years.

We love to keep the music alive in the stages of the venues we have loved to play for many years, as well as exciting new venues, to broaden our horizons.

We also relish seeing all the people we’ve met through the years in the Bolan scene and making new, rock loving friends.

Telegram Sam delivers an exciting show, fronted by Noel Ashton, with the whole band bringing their experience of performing all the hits of Marc Bolan and T.Rex

Contact: Philip

Further information

Telegram Sam: tribute to Marc Bolan and T-Rex