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Humble Boy

  When: Friday 4 October: 7.45-9.45pm
  How often: 1-5 October, plus Saturday matinee (5th)
  Cost: £20, £15 members, online booking fee
  Tickets: Booking options

Teddington Theatre Club (TTC) presents Humble Boy, by Charlotte Jones

Tuesday-Friday 7.45pm
Saturday 2pm & 6pm

Where: Hampton Hill Theatre (Coward Studio), 90 High Street
Hampton Hill, Middlesex TW12 1NZ

A funny, fraught family affair in full bloom
Felix Humble, astrophysicist and pessimist, returns to his family home for his father’s funeral.

His waspish mother Flora has been quick to make the acquaintance of brash local businessman George, whose daughter Rosie has a past with Felix.

Neighbour Mercy prepares an al fresco lunch to try and bring them all together.

Set in a beautiful garden in bloom that has lost its beloved bees, this is a richly funny and moving family comedy


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